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    VIS400工業內窺鏡 VIS400工業內窺鏡

    德國WOHLER VIS400工業內窺鏡

    型      號:VIS400工業內窺鏡
    品      牌:德國WOHLER
    聯系方式: 010-68940148
    在線解答: 價格咨詢 技術咨詢 維修咨詢


    德國WOHLER(沃勒)VIS400工業內窺鏡由愛儀器儀表網代理,本產品Standard Visual Inspection System with 65 ft Soft Cable - 4133。現在熱賣中,如需購買VIS400工業內窺鏡,可通過ai1718.com的客服熱線聯系我們!

    ?Wohler VIS 400 Standard Visual Inspection System with 65 ft Soft Cable - 4133
    ?VIS400 Standard Set includes VIS400 7 inch TFT full color monitor w/leather case and carry strap, 2 inch full color, pan & tilt camera head, 2 GB SD card, 65 foot video cable (no reel included), mini USB cable, power supply, plastic case.
    ?The carry strap around your neck and the monitor in front of your chest, one hand guides the camera cable, the other precisely controls the camera head via the typical Wohler keypad: That is how stable the new Wohler VIS 400 video inspection system is and how easy it is to work with while inspecting chimneys standing on steep roofs or inspecting house supply lines.
    ?Modular by design, it is possible to combine the Wohler VIS 400 camera system with a variety of camera vipers, camera cables and camera heads. 
    ?For instance, simply connect either the Wohler 2" did or the 1 1/2" dia pan & tilt camera head to carry out an all-round inspection of the inside of the pipe. 
    ?The camera pans 360°, tilts 180° and offers the best-possible lighting. 
    ?Particularly practical: After panning and tilting, the home function automatically aligns the angle of the 1 1/2" dia color camera to straight ahead with a simple push of a button.
    ?View, speak and save It is possible to make a video recording of the inspected line run. 
    ?When damage is discovered, it is possible to begin the voice recording function to annotate the recording. 
    ?Moreover, the voice recording function proves particularly practical at the beginning of a recording, because it helps afterwards to assign a recording to a specific inspection.
    ?As well as recording sequences of pictures it is also possible to quickly shoot and save a photo also at the press of a button. 
    ?Knowing where really matters To be able to assess and specifically target repair work, we at Wohler have perfected the technique of precisely locating the camera head. 
    ?The actual meter count and the position of the head are displayed in the monitor. 
    ?The top and bottom of the pipe are displayed on the monitor at all times, even if the camera is being guided up or down or if it is moving left or right. 
    ?It is even possible to locate the 1 1/2" dia color camera head wirelessly – utilizing the new Wohler L 200 Locator.

    ?7 inch TFT full color monitor w/leather case and carry strap
    ?2 inch full color, pan & tilt camera head
    ?2 GB SD card
    ?65 foot soft video cable (no reel included)
    ?mini USB cable
    ?power supply
    ?plastic case
    ?No transmitter in camera head
    ?Not submersible
    ?Recorder requires software
    • 1、技術溝通,初步判斷問題 電話與客戶進行初步溝通、了解并初步判斷儀器
    • 2、簽訂維修協議 由我公司向客戶發送儀器維修協議,客戶需如實
    • 3、客戶郵寄儀器 客戶可按照我司地址郵寄儀器,并將快遞單拍、
    • 4、詳細診斷機器故障 我司收到郵寄儀器后會對郵寄的儀器進行拍照、
    • 5、支付維修費用 如客戶儀器在保修期內,我司不收取任何維修費,
    • 6、郵寄儀器給客戶 我司將維修好的儀器按客戶地址進行拍照并郵寄,自此


    AT2140/AT2140A個人劑量計 POLIMASTER PM1621A個人劑量計輻射檢測報警儀 AT1103M X射線輻射劑量率儀 AT1117M多功能便攜式核輻射檢測儀-授權代理 AT1123環境輻射檢測儀脈沖輻射x,γ劑量測量儀-授權代理 AT1121防護級輻射劑量測量儀-授權代理 Polimaster PM1621個人輻射劑量報警儀 AT3509放射個人輻射劑量監測報警儀 AT2503個人核輻射劑量檢測報警儀 COMO170便攜式表面沾污儀 DEMRON輻射屏蔽防護服 MVCT繼電器和CT/VT測試儀 MTO330直流電阻測試儀 DLRO600數字式微歐表 AT1320γ活度計-測水/食品/土壤等 OTS60PB/OTS80PB便攜式絕緣油測試儀 FREJA300繼電保護測試系統 PM1621M X,γ射線輻射個人劑量計檢測儀-可尋找放射源 AT3509C個人輻射劑量計 S1-1568絕緣電阻測試儀s1-568獨家代理現貨 ATKN中子輻射劑量率檢測儀 AT6101C背包可移動式區域輻射檢測系統-帶核素識別 AT6103車載式區域輻射掃描測量系統 AT6101DR多功能地面放射性核素污染檢測儀能譜儀 AT1120便攜式高靈敏度多功能環境級γ輻射劑量率儀 AT6104DM水下能譜儀(核素識別儀) OTS100AF實驗室絕緣油耐壓測試儀 OTS80AF實驗室絕緣油耐壓測試儀 Ariadna CI中壓及低壓電纜識別儀 FREJA 306繼電器測試系統 MRCT繼電器和電流互感器測試儀 SMRT410繼電保護測試系統 SMRT33繼保測試系統 OTS60SX/2半自動油測試儀 OTS60SX半自動油測試儀 MFT1700/1710/1720/1730系列多功能測試儀 MFT1800/1815/1825/1835/1845多功能測試儀 AT1320M伽馬活度計 TORKEL900/910系列蓄電池放電試驗系統 PM1703GNA-II中子個人輻射探測器 AT6104DM1水下能譜儀(核素識別儀)-500米測深 NuVISION便攜式實時能譜分析伽馬相機 PM1703GNA中子個人劑量檢測儀 PM1621MA寬量程核輻射個人劑量檢測儀-可尋找放射源 AT2533寬量程水下核輻射劑量測量儀 ICMmonitor 局放檢測儀 HA3200-W水下X、γ輻射檢測儀 FPCAE-GAMON-Diver水下核輻射探測系統 URSIS水下γ能譜測量系統 ReM-10水下γ能譜測量系統 PM1603A可穿戴腕式手表式伽馬輻射個人劑量報警計 PM1603B腕表式電子個人伽馬輻射劑量報警儀-可防水 RADCAM? Epsilon抗輻射耐輻照持續性核輻射環境監控攝相機 MWA300三相變比和直阻分析儀 CDAX605 高精度電容和損耗因數測試儀 Megger TORKEL930蓄電池放電試驗系統 SVERKER780繼電保護測試儀總代 DLRO10HDX 雙電源10歐姆表 微歐表 DLRO2X 2A低電阻歐姆表 DLRO2手持式 2A低電阻測試儀歐姆表微歐計 BVM、BVM300和VM600蓄電池電壓監測器 TXL830/TXL850/TXL870 TORKEL 蓄電池測試額外負載設備 EGIL200/211/213/223/241/EGIL243斷路器分析儀 CSU600A和CSU600AT電流供應設備大電流測試儀 K-JY04-C絕緣電阻測試儀 K-XDY36 電源電池 K-ZDY35 直流電源 K-JY04-C絕緣電阻測試儀 K-DZC033 單相變壓器直流電阻測試儀 KGT R-9高能量電纜故障定位儀 K-NZ07Y 蓄電池電阻測試儀 KD-F31 大電流發生器 KJ-417 繼電保護測試儀 KJ-C15 交流采樣測試儀 CR-9 冷鏡式露點儀 T-9 手持式回路電阻測試儀 K-152 絕緣電阻表 ALMAR實時劑量測量計 ALMAR+主動個人劑量計 ALMAR++主動個人混合輻射檢測劑量計 FPS防火服避火服隔熱服消防服 MEGGER TORKEL910蓄電池放電試驗系統 MGFL100 電池接地故障定位儀 BITE5 蓄電池電池檢測儀 SVERKER650 單相繼電保護測試儀系統 OTS80PB便攜式絕緣油測試儀 Test Universe 執行高級二次測試的 PC 軟件套件 TransView 錄波信號的顯示與分析軟件 UHF 800 便攜式超高頻局部放電測量與分析系統 VBX1適用于網絡安全和測試應用的可視化平臺 SVERKER750/650繼電保護測試儀 UR-15 電纜寬頻阻抗譜缺陷定位儀 HVDC 高壓直流試驗系統 MTO106直流電阻測試儀 BDKN-06 檢測器及整套慢化球 MJ159/MJ160/MJ359/MJ459/MJ559絕緣電阻測試儀

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